When you buy a car, you have to get auto insurance. The best thing is to get a good coverage with a reasonable price. In fact, most people only care about getting a great deal when they start searching for car insurance for the first time. But, they fail to keep looking for better offers later. Not keep looking for better deals can cost you a lot of money every year.
A lot of people don’t know that they can save more money by lowering the cost of their auto insurance. This depends on your car, driving record and your location. Here are below 7 top ways that can help you save money on auto insurance.
1. Increase Your Deductible
If you insure the money you spend on a deductible, it will lower the expenses of insurance fees. Now remember that this option is undoubtedly one way to save your money each month, but if an accident happens to you, then it is true that it can make you pay more to fix the damages.
However, if you are known to be a safe driver, try it out and put some money aside in case there will be an emergency to afford any unexpected car expenses.
2. Try Carpooling
There are some insurers that really take mileage into consideration, so the less your mileage, the cheaper your insurance. According to these policy types, driving less than 7,500 miles allows you to get the lowest rate, and more than 13,000 is considered to be the medium rate.
3. Change Plans to What You Need
Do not stay on the same plans if your situation needs changing them. Insurance is going to be different in case you buy a new brand car compared to an older car. When you are paying your car’s premium, you will need to be offered a collision and reasonable coverage, but when you pay it off you will have many more benefits.
You might find yourself with more collision insurance than it is necessary. In fact, it is better to abandon collision insurance on older cars because you can compare and afford comprehensive coverage. It won’t be expensive for you as well as it will offer you all the coverage you need.

4. Combine Policies
If you have car insurance and at the same time have another renters insurance, but with different companies, perhaps you could have the two types of insurance with one company and then benefit from discounts.
5. Check for Discounts
In case you have get a new job, moved to another city, or anything else, keep updated of your policy options. Perhaps you can get a cheaper policy depending on your new job or your new living location.
6. Check Your Credit
Your credit score plays a little role in deciding your insurance expenses. So it is better for you to make sure that you don’t delay paying your bills as well as working hard to develop your credit score. While you are doing that, keep checking if you are eligible for lower rates.
7. Other Discounts
If you are a student and you have good grades, you can earn discounts. If you are an adult, see if you can have better discounts from taking an adult driver safety program. Take into consideration that red colored cars have higher insurance rates compared to other colors. So it is better to avoid getting a red colored car.
finally, I hope that the above tips can help you save some money on your auto insurance, and that you consider these them before you buy any auto insurance so you can both get the best insurance and save some money as well.