When it comes to pet insurance, there are three main types that you should know which are annual, individual condition cover, or lifelong cover either for your cat or dog. All of these three types of cover can be a suitable option for you and your pet needs. But, like all insurance policies, each one of these pet insurance policy has some limitations.
1. Annual Cover
Annual cover offers a coverage within one year in case your dog or cat suffers from an illness. This means that the cover won’t last if your pet still sick after the specific covered year.
This kind of cover is a great option for a short term sickness, like a digestion trouble or an allergic reaction. These illnesses can be cured in a short time. However, if you notice that your pet starts to suffer from an illness that lasts longer, such as cancer or deteriorating eye sight, you may not opt for annual cover because it won’t last for longer time until your pet gets full treatment.

2. Individual Cindition Cover
Individual condition cover allows you to claim up to a specific amount of money for every sickness. You policy will cover some sicknesses. For example high blood pressure, cataracts or joint problems, and then offer you a particular limited amount on the protection your policy will provide. Remember, a long term condition may last beyond this limit in case your pet suffers from medical comolications and needs more treatment on the long term.
3. Lifelong Cover
Liflong cover is a great option that allows you to claim for your pet’s medical condition, no matter how long it takes. Some insurance companies will offer lifelong cover for pets that covers expenses of more than 7,000 per year. In other words, vet’s bills, medication and any other extra treatment can be covered every year within this particular amount.
Although many policies do not offer coverage for regular check-ups and cure for pre-existing illnesses, your policy will still offer the basic healthcare needed for your pet. This includes coverage for theft, third party damage and retrieve costs in the event your pet get lost. Despite this, you have to always to examine your policy carefully to find out which things your policy may not cover.
In most times, cheap pet insurance will be limited when it comes to terms and conditions, and may not provide annual or individual condition cover. If you are really looking for the best healthcare for your pet, then you should opt for lifelong cover that will offer your pet the best care during their long and happy life.